Case of 10: If your tree's leaves are yellowing out of season, it may be as a result of iron deficiency. TreeHelp Iron Spikes can bring back a lush, green color to your tree's foliage.
Iron is essential for the synthesis of chlorophyll and its presence ensures green, lush trees and ornamental plants.
When placed in the ground around the tree, TreeHelp Iron Spikes simultaneously release Iron and alter the pH level of the soil in order to make the iron accessible to the tree.
Positive results can be seen 30-90 days from the time of the application, but the full effect is normally apparent the following growing season.
Most landscape trees and shrubs are affected by iron chlorosis and therefore can benefit from TreeHelp Iron Spikes. Particularly susceptible are: pin oak, silver maple, baldcypress, crabapple, sweet gum, white pine, elm, London planetree, cottonwood, walnut, sugar maple, Eastern redcedar, Bradford pear and willow.